
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kitchen Makeover

I've wanted a white kitchen for sometime now. I know, I know; it seems like everyone does. When we laid our new flooring we knew we would eventually do it since the dark floors clashed with the orangey cabinets. I really didn't plan on doing this project so soon, but because I had some extra birthday money I decided to spend it on paint. So happy birthday to me!

Here is a before photo: 
This is the day we closed on our house. It really was a pretty kitchen, just not quite our style.

 We have since replaced the vinyl flooring and now have a new kitchen. At least that is how I feel!

Before you see these pictures I want to first say that I know white cabinets aren't for everyone. I know lots of people will probably think we are crazy for painting them because it may be "trendy", but I think it is a classic look that will be in style for a long time. I also think cabinet colors in general go in and out of style so you just have to plan on updating them every once in a while. Unless of course you don't care about that stuff.

Here she is nice, light, and airy.

Not only did we paint but we also added extending molding to the tops of the cabinets in order to add height and make them look more custom and less like builder-grade cabinets (I'll blog more on that later).

These aren't quite the "after" shots yet because we still have some work to do. 

 We need to finish the trim where the cabinets meet the floor. 

This vent sticks out like a sore thumb so we will fix that too.

We also need to caulk where the counter meets the wall.

And in the midst of all the chaos we had for a few days, I managed to do this.

 You probably can't really tell unless you know what you are looking for, but I stepped through the cushion of the chair. Well, not exactly, but if that fabric wasn't holding it together I would have.  

Here is a better picture of the backside after I took off the cushion to assess the damage.

Initially I used this chair as a step stool for getting up and down from the counter because I was feeling too lazy to grab our real step stool. Unfortunately, I busted it while stepping down from the counter top. Of course I had to make more work for myself.

Anyway, there is still quite a bit of work before our kitchen is all finished. But compared to all the time I've put into it, I feel it's smooth sailing from here.

Here is our to-do list:

-Caulk counter
-Finish floor trim
-Spray paint vent
-Make a window treatment for the window to add some color
-Come up with something to put on the wall between our deck doors and the cabinets.
-Buy bar stools for the island
-Get new counter tops
-Put up a back splash
-Maybe get new light fixtures (I have an idea that may be a cheap(er) fix)

Lets be real, the last three items on the list are probably wishful thinking but they would be nice. Even though I'm in love with our cabinets, our kitchen definitely needs some more character and I'm hoping to add that in the near future.


  1. This blog is DA BOMB! You are amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time to put it together....I know I will refer to it for projects in the coming year!! Your style is fantastic and your projects never look "half-done" or way too "DIY-ish!" I think that one of your greatest strengths is your finishing skills.....which means that these projects look even better in person. Love, love, love EVERYTHING!

    1. Thanks Cat! I love hearing that from you because you have an eye for details!

  2. Beautiful! Love to look at your fun new projects. I could totally buy your house when you get done with residency. (If we stay here of course).

    1. If you guys stick around we'd love for you to buy it! :)

  3. Whoa you finished that fast! I swear I was just barely over there and you hadn't even started Yet. Way to go. Looks amazing.

    1. That's just how I roll. Just kidding! Thanks:)

  4. I am so happy that you created this blog and are so willing to share your ideas. I love your style too. Miss seeing each project in the process, but even more miss seeing you. Loves!

  5. Wow! you continue to amaze me! so glad you started this blog for me to drool over!

    oh, and i love white cabinets too. i totally support you :)

  6. here i am showing you love on your new blog. i really love the white re-do. want to come see it in person:).

  7. I am a fan of white cabinets! I had them in my last house and I think it makes the room feel so much lighter and cleaner! Looks so great! Good job!

  8. Holy amazing Kristi. You got skills girl. Can I come over? I have to see all of this in person!

    1. Ashely-you can come over ANYTIME!! Love having you around!

  9. verry nice! we just did ours,too, though we put in new cabinets. Esther

    1. Stopped by your blog and your kitchen is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Paint makes a huge difference! I love it!!

  11. Oh Kristi! I am in love!!! I am so amazed at your talent! I love all the white!

  12. Love the white ! I recently tackled painting my kitchen cabinets and I really like how they turned out. I also glazed them. It's amazing what paint can do. steph

    1. Thanks for stopping by Steph! I looked at your cabinet redo and they turned out beautiful!!

  13. WOW! You've done a great job making your kitchen white. It is so bright now! Really it looks fantastic :) Love your floors too.
